Often celebrated for her generosity, kindness, and love, Freya is viewed as one of the gentlest Norse Gods. She kept the peace between the Aesir and the Vanir Gods, shared the gift of her falcon coat, and most generously imparted Seidr to the Gods. Yet, she was a formidable warrior- often depicted wielding a spear and a breast of armor. She teaches her priestesses that kindness should not be a justification for defencelessness.
Strikingly beautiful and fiercely passionate, The Goddess of Love would be among equals with Aphrodite and Isis. She was comfortable with her sexuality, vilified by Christianity for daring to enjoy it. Still, she fought fiercely against being forced into marriage or being used as a pawn in the games of men. The medicine Gefn, the giver, shares the empowerment to enjoy our sexuality without feeling cheapened by it.
The Mother of Seidr was a generous Goddess who protected the peace and provided for her people, sharing her magick and her possessions in the pursuit of justice; according to lore, Freya once lent Thor her Brísingamen to aid in retrieving his hammer. And yet she was unashamed of satisfying her own desires; To procure her beloved amber torc, she bedded the four dwarves who crafted it. The Divine Lady does not allude to the virtue of relentless self-sacrifice.
Goddess Freya illustrates for her priestesses how the same fires fuel lust and war. At times, war is necessary for peace, and virtue must be saved by passion. Her lore also imparts that there are times when the same mercy is shared in both loving kindness and swift death, both fundamental to our existence.
Goddess Freya’s magick and medicine lay in the grey area between what others deem right and wrong because that is where the beauty of life happens.
Temple of the Heart Initiation Ritual
You’ll Need
A fireproof vessel such as a cauldron or an incense bowl, honeysuckle & mistletoe offering herb, Freya ritual oil, Amber crystal, Yoga mat or blanket, Three bolsters such as folded blankets, pillows, towels, Dedicated journal
To Prepare
Gently stretch your chest and back
The Ritual
·Using 1-2 drops of ritual oil, anoint your vessel
I open this vessel as I open my heart
To the messages, Goddess Freya imparts
Fill it with loving-kindness that overflows
And the gift of Seidr (say-der) to help me grow
·Burn the offering herb in the vessel
·Anoint your amber crystal with ritual oil
Goddess Freya, hear my heartfelt petition
Accept me as a priestess of your loving tradition
I invite you into the compassionate space
I am ready to commune in kind embrace
·The Heart Opener (Supported Fish Pose)
Place two bolsters (blankets, pillows, towels) lengthwise on your mat
Sit about 10 inches in front of your prop
Lean back with your lower ribs against the short bottom edge
Support your head and neck with a third bolster so that your neck is neutral.
Your chin should be even with (or slightly lower than) your forehead
Adjust to ensure you feel no strain in your body
Settle into the pose, letting your arms rest at your sides, with your palms upward
Place the amber on your chest
Open yourself to the messages Goddess Freya communicates to your heart space
·Take time to allow The Goddess of Love to speak to you as you reflect.
·Gently roll off of your prop onto your side.
·Ground yourself before rising to sitting and getting up
·Write down any thoughts, feelings, or visions that you experienced
·Thank Goddess Freya with an offering, such as the ritual candle engraved with the Gebo rune.
Going Forward
·Set the intention to perform a daily ritual, affirming your commitment to Goddess Freya’s path. Keep a journal nearby, recording your thoughts and experiences after your daily observance. It will remind you of the liberating journey of loving-kindness with the Goddess of Love.
Freya Ritual Oil Recipe
Tip- Oils will degrade faster if you leave the herbs sitting in the menstruum longer than the 4-6 week infusion time. When making oil I recommend using a jar that you can fill to the tip top with your herbs and oil. Allow that to infuse for 4-6 weeks then filter out the herbs with a press. You can also hand-squeeze using a tea bag if you are making a small amount. Add any essential oils or fragrances after the herbs have been removed then store in a cabinet for up to 1 year. Rosemary is a substitute for just about everything so if you plan to keep oils for long periods, or for use on the skin, I also recommend adding a Rosemary Antioxidant Extract to preserve the oil.
Grapeseed or Sunflower Oil
Essential Oils of Rose or Gardenia and Myrrh
Dried Vanilla Bean
Strawberry Leaf
Rosemary Antioxidant